Tuesday, September 6, 2016

悲伤 / 伤心bēi shāng / / shāng xīn sad / sorrowful
妒忌dù jì Jealous
烦躁fán zào jittery; twitchy; fidgety
尴尬gān gà awkward / embarrassed
高兴 / 快乐 / 愉快gāo xìng / kuài lè / yú kuài happy / glad / willing (to do sth) / in a
cheerful mood
害怕hài pà Scared
害羞hài xiū Shy
激动jī dòng to excite / to agitate / exciting
寂寞jì mò Lonely
骄傲jiāo ào arrogant / conceited / full of oneself
叫喊jiào hǎn exclamation / outcry / shout / yell
紧张jǐn zhāng critical / tension / nervous / intense /
strained / tense
惊恐jīng kǒng appall
惊讶jīng yà confound / Surprised
哭kū to cry / to weep
快乐kuài lè happy / merry
困惑kùn huò bewilder / perplexity / confused
恼怒/ 愤怒 / 生气nǎo nù / fèn nù / shēng qì be irritated and angry
疲惫pí bèi Exhausted
叹息tàn xī sigh
无聊wú liáo nonsense / bored
笑xiào laugh / smile
兴奋xīng fèn (be) excited
羞涩xiū sè shy / bashful
忧虑 / 担心yōu lǜ / dān xīn to worry / anxiety (about)
犹豫yóu yù hesitate
郁闷yù mèn gloomy / depressed
晕倒yūn dǎo to faint off
震惊zhèn jīng to shock / to astonish
自卑zì bēi feel inferior
自豪zì háo (feel a sense of) pride
自信zì xìn confidence

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